From Delta Force operator to 4-star General Austin Miller is an American 4-star general and legendary Delta Force captain who led Delta Force…
Commander of famous Task Unit Bruiser Jocko Willink is a former Navy SEAL and book author. He was born John Gretton Willink…
Kevin Holland served both in Seal Team 6 and Delta Force MSG Kevin Holland is the only publicly known operator who served in DEVGRU (SEAL Team 6)…
The Army Ranger who became a bank robber Luke Sommer is a former United States Army Ranger who became publicly known as a bank…
From a rock star to Special Forces The path from the rock star to a respectable Special Forces operator was easy for Jason…
From Navy to one of the greatest American actors The Hollywood star Clint Eastwood once upon a time was a soldier. Long before he dared…
Top facts about the Dick Marcinko first commanding officer of SEAL Team 6 A lot of stories and facts were told and revealed about Richard ‘Dick’ Marcinko. As you…
Green Beret survived 5 years as POW and escaped thanks to his beard James N. Rowe was a US Army Special Forces soldier and was one of the first…
From Professional Athlete to American Icon Patrick Tillman was a gifted and accomplished American football player who gave up his life for…
Bill Cosby: An actor who served as a hospital corpsman One of the most popular comic actors, Bill Cosby, is also a veteran. He was born…
Rocky Marciano: An Undisputed Champion and Army Veteran Rocky Marciano was a heavyweight champion who fought in World War II. Born Rocco Francis Marchegiano…
The story of Glen Doherty, a Navy SEAL killed in Benghazi On September 11, 2012, the diplomatic mission in Benghazi came under attack, US Ambassador to Lybia…
Robert Howard: One of the most decorated American soldiers in history Robert Howard was a highly decorated American soldier with a long and distinguished career in the…