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The list of world’s most elite special forces in 2023

The list of the world's most elite special forces in 2023 is based on the…

Austin Miller: From Delta Force operator to 4-star General

Austin Miller is an American 4-star general and legendary Delta Force captain who led Delta…

Who betrayed Navy SEAL Team 6?

What happened to Navy SEAL Team 6? In August 2011, the elite special forces unit…

Kevin Holland served both in Seal Team 6 and Delta Force

MSG Kevin Holland is the only publicly known operator who served in DEVGRU (SEAL Team…

Lasted Military

Rob Guzzo: The Tragic Story of a Dedicated Navy SEAL

Robert Guzzo was a football star and Navy SEAL. There are a lot of different personalities in the SEAL platoon,…

Nicholas Irving is the Reaper – a deadliest Army Ranger in history

Nicholas Irving for friends Irv and for all other Rangers, the Reaper is famous Army Ranger sniper who served in…

Tabs of the United States Army: Sapper, Airborne and Ranger / Special Forces explained

Tabs of the United States Army refer to the cloth and/or metal arches used to display a word or words…

Clint Eastwood: From Navy to one of the greatest American actors

The Hollywood star Clint Eastwood once upon a time was a soldier. Long before he dared anyone to make his…

Jeff ‘Patch’ Adams: Combat stories worthy of an HBO series

If there is ever a time you need to be amazed by an individual’s adventures, all you need to do…

PFC. Kyle Hockenberry: For Those I love I will sacrifice

Tattoo inscription For Those I love I will sacrifice has become an icon of the one generation. The story of…

Adam Brown: The life and legacy of fearless Navy SEAL

Adam Lee Brown was a decorated United States Navy SEAL who devoted his life to serving his nation with distinction.…

Robert J. Reeves: A Navy SEAL who died in Extortion 17

Navy Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Robert J. Reeves died on August 6, 2011, in a helicopter crash when…