Personal Gear

What is CAT Tourniquet and how to use it properly?

A CAT tourniquet is a revolutionary tool for modern military soldiers intended to stop arm or leg blood flow due to injury on the battlefield. CAT (Combat Applications Tourniquet, C-A-T)…

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The list of world’s most elite special forces in 2023

The list of the world's most elite special forces in 2023 is based on the…

Austin Miller: From Delta Force operator to 4-star General

Austin Miller is an American 4-star general and legendary Delta Force captain who led Delta…

Who betrayed Navy SEAL Team 6?

What happened to Navy SEAL Team 6? In August 2011, the elite special forces unit…

Kevin Holland served both in Seal Team 6 and Delta Force

MSG Kevin Holland is the only publicly known operator who served in DEVGRU (SEAL Team…

Lasted Personal Gear

INVISIO V60 Gen II ADP: A new ultimate warfighter hub and PTT

In today's modern battlefield, soldiers must have dependable communication systems that ensure their safety and success. INVISIO, a Swedish company…

5.11 All Hazards Nitro: The Perfect Backpack for All Your Tactical Needs

The 5.11 All Hazards Nitro is an all-purpose backpack designed to cater to individuals who require a rugged and versatile…

Army Gear Tactical Flashlight

Army Gear Tactical Flashlight is a good emergency kit. It is vital for the survival of you and your family.…

GPNVG-18: The Night Vision Goggles that Helped Take Down Bin Laden

One night in May 2011 changed the modern world forever, with the help of GPNVG-18 night vision goggles. When Seal…

What is CAT Tourniquet and how to use it properly?

A CAT tourniquet is a revolutionary tool for modern military soldiers intended to stop arm or leg blood flow due…

LION Tactical Rescue Stretchers

LION Tactical Rescue Stretchers is a lightweight casualty extraction solution for military and law enforcement. There are two different patents,…