Rossi Model 92 SRC Carbine Chambered in .357 Magnum
Rossi Model 92 SRC Carbine chambered in .357 Magnum and manufactured in Brazil (Photo: XY)

Rossi Model 92 SRC: An almost identical copy of Winchester 1892

In the days of the Old West, the carbine chambered for a handgun cartridge (or vice versa, as you prefer) was the common saddle gun, but the concept seems to have withered over the years, with the rifleman looking to more exotic calibers and better ballistic efficiency. But there is still a good case for the combination, especially in those parts of the world where there is a need for a general-purpose rifle with no frills. Rossi’s Carbine enjoyed good sales.


The Rossi Model 92 SRC Carbine makes no bones about being an almost identical copy of the Winchester Model of 1892 in appearance, though there are some minor differences internally. The receiver is an investment casting, attached to a steel barrel, and the woodwork is well-fitted and polished while the metalwork is well blued. The breech mechanism is traditional Winchester lever-action, feeding on the tubular magazine beneath the barrel.

Rossi Model 92 SRC rifle is an almost identical copy of Winchester 1892 rifle
Rossi Model 92 SRC rifle is an almost identical copy of the Winchester 1892 rifle (Photo: XY)

The Rossi Model 92 SRC holds 8 rounds of .357, but the weapon can be used with .38 Special cartridges, and nine of these can be accommodated in the magazine. The foresight is a blade, while the rear sight is open, with step adjustment for elevation and capable of being drifted sideways for windage and drift zeroing.

The carbine appears to be somewhat touchy about ammunition; naturally, with a tubular magazine only flat-nosed bullets should be used, but different brands appeared to have tolerances that did not mate well with the tolerances of, for example, the cartridge guides in the breech. Length s also fairly critical, and while factory loads mostly work well, and loads need to be tailored to suit the characteristics of the breech. The accuracy is adequate, with two-inch groups at 50 yards possible with the right ammunition.

Rossi Model 92 Lever Action 357 Mag Rifle

Technical specifications

Manufacturer: Amadeo Rossi SA Lda., Sao Leopoldo, Brazil
Type:  lever-action, tubular magazine
Caliber: .357 Magnum
Barrel: 20 in (508 mm)
Weight: 5.94 lbs (2.69 kg)
Magazine capacity: 8 rounds

Eric Sof

Eric Sof holds a master's degree in Political Science, specializing in International Peacekeeping Studies. He has over a decade of experience as a former member of an elite counterterrorism unit. Additionally, he is a firearms instructor and currently serves as a member of the SWAT unit.

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