The Astra Model A-80 pistol was designed and produced in Spain by Astra Company. It has been manufacturing automatic pistols since 1908.
MoreThe ASP 9mm Auto Pistol answered the U.S. Government’s quest for a new concealable pistol. Almost 20 years ago, the clandestine services
MoreThe Luigi Franchi Model 610 Autoloader shotgun is manufactured by Luigi Franchi Spa company. It is an old-established one weapons factory with
MoreThe Jackhammer automatic combat shotgun is an automated, gas-operated, 12-gauge shotgun that uses a pre-loaded rotating cylinder as its magazine. The cylinder
MoreThe Steyr MPi 69 submachine gun resembles the UZI in some respects but is a totally different and relatively simpler design. It
MoreLike the Steyr submachine gun, the FAMAE SAF is based upon an assault rifle design, though in this case, with much more
MoreThe Swiss Industrial Company (SIG) has produced some of the best pistols in the world, including Sig Sauer P229, but the Swiss
MoreThe Sig Sauer P225 was designed by SIG (Schweizer Industrie Gesellschaft) of Neuhausen-Rheinfalls, Switzerland and was first announced in 1978. Due to