Sporting Rifle

Latest Sporting Rifle News

The Rise of the AR-15: A Brief History

The Armalite 15, also known as the AR-15, is a revered and…

Richard Douglas Richard Douglas

Squires Bingham M16: A cheap rimfire rifle from Philippines

Squires Bingham M16 is a cheap combat rifle designed and produced in…

Eric Sof Eric Sof

Sako P72: A fine rimfire rifle in .22

Sako has been making firearms for many years, concentrating particularly on center-fire…

Eric Sof Eric Sof

Kimber M82 Government: A fine-tuned sporting rifle

Kimber M82 is a bolt action .22 rifle developed by Kimber of…

Eric Sof Eric Sof

Heym SR-20: A German-made sporting and hunting rifle

The Heym SR-20 is a sporting and hunting rifle designed and produced…

Eric Sof Eric Sof

Heckler & Koch HK770

Thanks to somewhat more intelligent gun legislation than the rest of Europe…

Eric Sof Eric Sof

Heckler & Koch HK300

The HK300 might be called a 'de-luxe' version of the HK270; it…

Eric Sof Eric Sof

Heckler & Koch HK270

The Heckler & Koch HK270 is a sporting rifle with an interesting…

Eric Sof Eric Sof

Finnbiathlon: A rimfire rifle designed for the Finnish Biathlon Team

The Finnbiathlon .22 rimfire rifle was specially designed for the Finnish Biathlon…

Eric Sof Eric Sof

Anschutz Model 54 Silhouette Rifle

The Anschutz Model 54 Silhouette rimfire target rifle has been in production…

Ian Hogg Ian Hogg