How to know if someone is lying?

Eric Sof
3 Min Read
Sergeant Major (Retired) Karl Erickson

To recognize when someone is lying isn’t an easy task, but there are some military tricks that could help you find out. Forget what you’ve seen in the Hollywood movies so far, former U.S. Army Special Forces Green Beret Sergeant Major (Retired) Karl Erickson explains the tactics and tricks that work both on the battlefield and in the office.

Detecting high-stakes liars isn’t an easy task and it is often reserved for the FBI. The law enforcement agencies are usually studying facial expressions, body language, and verbal indicators as signals, or “tells,” that someone is lying.

“There are a number of facial expressions and associated reactions that could indicate someone is lying to you,” according to the FBI study. “Some are caused by nervousness, some by chemical reactions, and others by physical reactions.”

Military tactics and techniques regarding the question “How to know if someone is lying?” are not too far away from the Law Enforcement, but the real difference is about time. Military staff, especially those from elite special forces units like U.S. Army Special Forces who are conducting operations in hostile environments and interacting with civilians need to determine fast if someone is lying because they need to make a decision which may be in matter of life and death. So this trick could fit you better in real life.

Sergeant Major (Retired) Karl Erickson is a well-experienced soldier with more than 25 years of Military Service; 18 years of experience within Army Special Forces, conducting all aspects of Special Operations, including training, execution, and technical oversight at the detachment, company, and combined joint task force level. So far, he has earned numerous awards, including three Bronze Stars and an Army Commendation Medal for Valor. His military schooling includes Ranger school, Military Free Fall Jumpmaster, Special Forces Medic, SFARTEATC, Special Forces Sniper, to name but a few. After retiring, SGM Erickson now serves as the Director of Special Projects, at Tier-1 Group LLC, where he continues to train our military’s finest to prepare them for tomorrow’s threats.

Today, he is part of Tactical Rifleman company which is the go-to destination for advice and tips for all things military, tactical, survival, driving and shooting related.

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Eric Sof holds a master's degree in Political Science, specializing in International Peacekeeping Studies. He has over a decade of experience as a former member of an elite counterterrorism unit. Additionally, he is a firearms instructor and currently serves as a member of the SWAT unit.
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