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The list of world’s most elite special forces in 2023

The list of the world's most elite special forces in 2023 is based on the…

Austin Miller: From Delta Force operator to 4-star General

Austin Miller is an American 4-star general and legendary Delta Force captain who led Delta…

Who betrayed Navy SEAL Team 6?

What happened to Navy SEAL Team 6? In August 2011, the elite special forces unit…

Kevin Holland served both in Seal Team 6 and Delta Force

MSG Kevin Holland is the only publicly known operator who served in DEVGRU (SEAL Team…

Lasted FAQs

The Illusion of Invisibility: Examining the Limitations of Military Stealth Technology

Military stealth technology, while not entirely useless, may not be as effective as the US military initially believed. During the…

The Invisible Proof: A Review of the Reasons Why Photos of Osama bin Laden’s Corpse Remain Classified

Photos of Osama bin Laden's corpse were not publicly released for several reasons. At the time of his death, the…

The SEAL Structure: A Review of the Ranking System Within the Navy SEALs

The rank structure of Navy SEALs and SEAL teams is similar to that of other military units worldwide. Like other…

The Elite of the Elite: Understanding the Distinctions Between SEAL Team 6 and Other SEAL Teams

In the Special Operations Forces community, SEAL Team 6 is renowned as one of the most capable fighting forces. However,…

Myths and Misconceptions of the French Foreign Legion: Separating Fact from Fiction

The French Foreign Legion is a military service branch of the French Army that was established in 1831. It is…

The French Foreign Legion: A Closer Look at the Myths and Realities of Identity Transformation

The myths about identity change in the French Foreign Legion have been around since the unit was founded in 1831.…

Surviving the Most Intense Special Forces Training Methods

The training methods used by special forces units in Eastern countries, especially the former members of the Soviet Union, were…

Is the Army’s Special Forces (Green Berets) a Tier 1 Unit?

It is inaccurate to state that the Army Special Forces, also known as the Green Berets, are a Tier 1…