Peloton d’intervention interrégional de Gendarmerie – PI2G

Peloton d'intervention interrégional de Gendarmerie Peloton d'intervention interrégional de Gendarmerie

Today, Peloton d’intervention interrégional de Gendarmerie is under AGIGN (Antenna of the GIGN) group for special operations of French National Gendarmerie.

In 2016, they went through a reorganisation. Besides the name change, they also got four new units in Tours, Nantes, Reims and Mayotte. In total, there are seven of them which are located in the metropolitan areas of Toulouse, Orange, Dijon, Nantes, Reims and Mayotte.

A PI2G is basically a platoon for fast response or intervention in different regions of France. Their number is estimated up to 32 men per platoon.

Cooperation between the PI2G platoons and the Groupe d’intervention de la Gendarmerie nationale (GIGN) is very simple. GIGN’s offices are mainly responsible for counter-terrorism, arrest of dangerous persons, escorts of dangerous prisoners, the fight against organized crime.

Both PI2G and GIGN intervention platoons are subjected to an alert system and are available at all times: they must be ready to go into action in less than thirty minutes.

Active: 2004 – present (Toulouse)
2007 – present (Orange)
2012 – present (Dijon)
2016 – present (Nantes, Reims, Tours and Mayotte)
Country: France
Type: Law enforcement
Role: escort, counter-terrorism, GIGN support, VIP protection
Estimated numbers (personnel): 224 (32 per PI2G regional)
Headquarters: Regional capital


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