BMP-1: The first mass-produced infantry fighting vehicle of the SSSR The BMP-1 is the first mass-produced infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) of the SSSR. It is tracked…
T-72 MBT: The world’s most popular tank The T-72 is the world’s most popular Main Battle Tank (MBT). In its current most upgraded…
PK Machine Gun: A Soviet general-purpose machine gun Since it was introduced in the Soviet Army, the PK machine gun has become indispensable. Since…
AK-74: The successor of the legendary AK-47 assault rifle The AK-74 is a Soviet-made assault rifle and a successor of the legendary AK-47. It was…
S-200: The SSSR’s Longest Range Air Defence System The S-200 is the old SSSR-made SAM (surface-to-air missile) system designed in the early 1960s to…