Up to 100,000$ per reenlistment bonus in Special Forces

U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Berets) operator conduct training at shooting range (Photo: XY)

Six-figures big bonuses were always reserved for the managers in big private companies, but these days the Army is offering the same for Green Berets. The Army wants them so badly that they’re willing to pay big money for it.

A Military Personnel Message released Monday by Army Human Resources Command says the Army is offering Special Forces Warrant Officers US Army Special Forces (SF) lump sum accession bonuses of $20,000 for six years of service, and lump sum retention bonuses of $100,000 for another five years of service, to Special Forces, Warrant Officers, the Task & Purpose reported.

It’s no wonder the Army wants to hold onto these operators— the specialized skills they pick up over the course of their careers are of high value. The accession bonus is targeted towards senior non-commissioned officers who go into the Warrant Officer cohort, according to CW5 Jeffrey Burmeister, command chief warrant officer for the Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School.

The $100,000 bonus is for mid-level warrant officers who may be deciding whether or not to continue with their military careers.

“These warrants are, generally speaking, mid-level managers with 17 to 19 years of military service getting ready to make a change in their life direction, deciding whether to go over 20 or join the civilian workforce,” Burmeister said.

“The skills and experience they have can command high paying jobs. To maintain readiness, the Army is now offering a bonus to incentivize them to stay in the military.”

Operators are not eligible for the retention bonuses if the renewed service obligation will take them over 25 years of service, the MILPER message stated. The current offer is available until the end of the fiscal year, with a deadline of Sept. 30, 2020.

Green Berets: Up to 100,000$ per reenlistment bonus in Special Forces
Green Berets: Up to 100,000$ per reenlistment bonus in Special Forces (Photo: IMGUR)

There is also an offer to warrant officers to join the Army Air Defense artillery branch, and the Army is ready to offer up to $60,000 in bonuses for officers willing to join.