Grenade launcher

M79: A game-changer in Vietnam War

M79 is a single-shot, shoulder-fire, break-action grenade launcher developed by Springfield Armory. It was the first weapon of its type ever produced. To keep recoil forces low, it is chambered…

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Lasted Grenade launcher

Mk 19: A reliable Grenade Launcher since the Vietnam War

Mk 19 grenade launcher is a powerful 40 mm belt-fed automatic grenade launcher developed by Saco Defense Industries that entered…

M203: A first operational service grenade launcher of the US military

The M203 is a well-known single-shot 40mm under-barrel grenade launcher designed to attach to the rifle. It has become the…

M79: A game-changer in Vietnam War

M79 is a single-shot, shoulder-fire, break-action grenade launcher developed by Springfield Armory. It was the first weapon of its type…

M320 Grenade Launcher Module

M320 Grenade Launcher Module is a next-generation single-shot 40 mm grenade launcher designated to replace the M203 for the US…