Christopher McKinley, formerly known as Chris Heben (full name: Christopher Mark Heben), is a controversial former US Navy SEAL. Once upon a time described as a dedicated father, entrepreneur, public speaker, television personality, actor, voice actor, author, and singer /songwriter. But, in recent times, he is often designated as a troubled former Navy SEAL.
Controversial Character
In the incident in 2015, while he was still Chris Heben, he reported being shot following a parking lot altercation. He allegedly drove to the hospital after pursuing his assailant[s]. Not long after that, he was accused of filing false police reports regarding this incident. Later, charges were dismissed.
The last known information about Chris Heben (now Christopher McKinley) emerged in 2019 when he was arrested in Haiti, alongside other Americans. They were detained on February 1, 2019, after being stopped by police. The group was heavily armed with assault rifles, sidearms, and drones. Other circumstances regarding this incident are still unknown.

Down below, you may read Chris Heben’s interview from 2013, where he speaks about Navy SEALs, his life, and his military career. Here are nine questions we asked him:
You’re an ex-Navy SEAL… How long did you serve with SEALs?
Ten years in the Navy, eight years as a SEAL.
What inspired and motivated Chris Heben to become a SEAL?
I was at a local coffee shop, on a lunch break from work, and saw a huge article entailed ‘Weapons of the US Navy SEALs’ and ‘A day in the life of a US Navy SEAL candidate’….. in a magazine called “Popular Mechanics.” I read the magazine and stole it from the coffee shop to read about a dozen more times. I knew then and there that I wanted to be a SEAL. I had always known about SEALs because, as a kid, I was fascinated by ALL things military throughout the history of the world, especially Special Forces and other elite units spanning history of the world.
How would you describe a perfect mindset and a person’s character fit for Navy SEALs?
You have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. You have to have a high tolerance for mental and physical hardship. You have to be able to function in a close-knit team environment but also be able to function entirely on your own for extended periods of time. You have to be very disciplined, intelligent, and athletic—the perfect blend of brain and brawn.
What are/were your specialties within your SEAL TEAM?
I was a Medic, a sniper, a breacher, an intelligence analyst, an engineering representative, and a public relations representative. I wore many hats!
Would you recommend youngsters to chase chicks or chase their dreams?
Why can’t you do both? I did!
In which SEAL TEAM did you serve?
I was at SEAL Team 8 and Naval Special Warfare Group Two.
In which operations were you engaged? And when!
Kosovo in 1998-99, Afghanistan 2001/2002/2003/2005/2007, Philippines 2005, Iraq 2005/2007/2008, Pakistan 2003/2004, Africa (many nations) 2007/2008/2009. Many more places that I cannot tell you about. Admit nothing, deny everything, and make counter-accusations!
What do you think about our website –
I love it! It’s more thorough and just as easy to navigate as Fox News, Al Jazeera, and CNN, and it is almost as informative and wide-reaching as SOFREP.
“How’d ya earn your livin'” or “Up from the Sub”?
Gotta be, “How’d ya earn your living?” What’s not to like?… Buddies, Ladies, Kicking Satan’s ass, Going to Heaven and meeting St.Peter, Going home and telling your mom that you kill people for a living in a killing squad! Yes, much better than “Up from a sub”!!
That was a short interview with Chris Heben (Christopher Mark Heben), a former Navy SEAL operator from Navy SEAL TEAM 8.
Why did he change his name?
He was born Christoper Mark McKinley. He went back to his birth certificate name.