Mossberg RM-7: A flashback from the 1980s

Eric Sof
3 Min Read
Mossberg RM-7 with scope mounted (Photo: XY)

Mossberg is well-known for the long series of shotguns and rimfire rifles produced by the company since before the turn of the century; their center-fire rifles are less well-known outside the United States. The Mossberg RM-7 was their center-fire model from the 1980s and one which repays study.


The appearance is conventional, with a conservatively styled walnut stock having a graceful pistol grip and good crisp checkering. Two heavy steel cross pins go through the stock behind the recoil shoulder and magazine to reinforce it.

The bolt is of Mossberg’s own design using four front lugs for very positive locking and with the body fluted, with polished bearing surfaces, to ensure smooth action. The bolt knob is checkered for a firm grip, and there is a prominent safety catch on the bolt sleeve where it can be easily operated by the right thumb.

Mossberg RM-7 Centerfire Rifle was developed in the 1980s and today it is very rare
Mossberg RM-7 Centerfire Rifle was developed in the 1980s and today it is very rare (Photo: XY)


The magazine is unusual in being a rotary type, though not totally mechanical as, say, the Mannlicher-Schoenauer. The magazine has a curved inner wall against which the cartridges ride, propelled by a sprung follower arm that tracks them around their curved pat to deliver them to the feed way.

There is a magazine release lever that permits the contents to be emptied without having to work the bolt; the bolt is opened and lever pressed, withdrawing the stop arm and allowing the follower to push the cartridges out and into the feed way where they can be removed.

Mossberg RM-7 rifle parts and diagram
Mossberg RM-7 rifle parts and diagram (Photo: XY)


The foresight is a gold bead on a ramp; the rear sight an open folding leaf in the mid-position, capable of adjustment for elevation and windage. The receiver is factory drilled and tapped for telescope mounts.

Mossberg RM-7 accuracy is good, averaging two-inch groups when rest-fired at 100 yards, and the rifle is well-balanced and handy in practical use.

Technical specifications

Manufacturer: O.F. Mossberg & Sons, North Haven, CT 06473, United States
Type: bolt-action, center-fire, magazine
Caliber: .30-06; 7 mm Remington Magnum
Barrel: 22 in (560 mm)
Weight (empty): 7.87 lbs (3.57 kg)
Magazine capacity: 4 rounds
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Eric Sof holds a master's degree in Political Science, specializing in International Peacekeeping Studies. He has over a decade of experience as a former member of an elite counterterrorism unit. Additionally, he is a firearms instructor and currently serves as a member of the SWAT unit.
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