The Resolver pistol is an ideal partner in self-defense. Some people have to carry pistols for self-protection all day but are usually given something heavy, which eventually gets tired of carrying. So one day, they leave it behind, and that’s the day they need it.
Moreover, many of these people are not weapons experts; in an emergency, they do not want to have to remember to take off the safety, cock the weapon, take up the correct grip… they want to pull out the pistol, point it at the enemy and start shooting.
The Resolver pistol has been designed for these people. Finally, the Resolver pistol designer considered that there was no good reason for a large magazine capacity; if you haven’t disposed of the criminal in eight shots, you are unlikely to do so with 15, should you live that long.
Two models
There are two models. The basic M380 Resolver fires the .380 Auto cartridge (also called 9 mm short in Europe) and is a simple blowback automatic. There is no manual safety device, and the trigger mechanism is self-cocking. It is light and slim (only 0.65 inches thick) and can be carried all day without inconvenience, and when required, all that is necessary is to draw it and pull the trigger.

For those countries where the law demands a safety catch, one can be provided; but there is, of course, no need to use it. Generally speaking, the 9 mm Short bullet is enough to deter the casual robber. Still, for those who feel that a more powerful cartridge may be needed, the M9 Resolver and M40 Resolver are available. This is a locked-breech pistol that can be had in 9 mm Parabellum or .40 S&W calibers.
Browning system
Breech locking is by the usual Browning tilting barrel system, but the dimensions have still been kept to the minimum, and this weapon is very little larger than the .380 blowback, being only 19.8 mm (less than three-quarters of an inch) wide. On request, it can be chambered for other cartridges, including the .38 Super Auto, 7.62 mm Tokarev, and .32 Auto.
Technical specifications: Resolver Pistol
Manufacturer: | SITES SpA, Modulo Masterpiece, Turin, Italy |
Type: | blowback or short recoil (see below) |
Caliber: | .380 Auto, 9 mm Parabellum or .40 S&W |
Barrel: | 5.9 – 6.3 in (150-160 mm) |
Weight (empty): | 19-23 oz (550-650 grams) |
Capacity: | 8 or 9 rounds |
The endless discussion about the caliber ideal for confronting armed criminals always goes around the cartridge/caliber that seems ideal, and why, and the gun capacity etc. I’m a former Intelligence Officer, disabled War Veteran, still a Firearms Combat Instructor, a position I’ve started at in 1978, and today I own a Private Security Company, besides being an Attorney and Published Author on Military, Police, and Security Topics. I’m also an Inventor, and had Patented many inventions on these areas, being on Brazilian TV many times. To finish my resume, let me tell you I’m a Catholic Chaplain, being the only wheelchair riding Priest (Bishop) that celebrate Masses, and Combat Shooting Instructor that in my physical limitations still instruct other disabled persons as well as non disabled persons to defend themselves with firearms. So, let me tell you all that the problem with firearms and calibers is we are walking around the issue. We are trying changing what won’t make real differences, and never will: gun types, calibers, bullet designs, velocity x weight, and so and so. We need to change all to have a really effective projectile to stop a strong and determined agressor in his/her tracks: change from conventional bullets, to Darts, that Javelina-type projectiles much older in concept than the Round Ball, and of course the “modern” Firearm projectiles. We tested all kinds of projectiles against ballistic gelatin and get results much beyond the traditional firearms projectiles that appeared and evolved since 1600 up to and into the 21th. Century.
never realized it was so long in length. Does this design eliminate racking the slide to one inthe chamber?
Is still on Salle? Where i can find?