Astra .44 Magnum Revolver

Astra .44 Magnum Revolver (Photo: XY)

The Astra .44 Magnum Revolver is designed and manufactured by Astra Unceta company. As stated the Astra Unceta company has a long record of manufacturing automatic pistols but they did not go into the revolver business until 1958, and it was several years before they went as far as an Astra .357 Magnum revolver. They have now gone to the limit in the revolver calibers in this model which can also be chambered in .41 Magnum, .45 Colt and .45 ACP calibers.

It was called the ‘Terminator’ model. The revolver was available in blued finish or in stainless steel. The Terminator 44 magnum pistol was similar in size to Smith & Wesson’s N-frame series revolvers.


The Astra uses a new large frame, and, in basic features, follows the Smith & Wesson pattern; a shrouded ejector rod left side push-forward catch for releasing the cylinder crane and double-action lockwork. The grip is somewhat large, though this may be felt desirable with such powerful cartridges, it appears not to be everyone’s taste as far as the shape goes, being too broad at the foot.

Astra .44 Magnum Revolver
Astra .44 Magnum Revolver was inspired by the Smith & Wesson Model 29 N-frame revolver and the Jovino Effector.  (Photo: XY)

The foresight is a blade set on a ramp, while the rear sight is an open notch adjustable for elevation and windage. With walnut grips and well-blued metal, it is an impressive revolver and is finished to a high standard. It shoots well, has a smooth trigger action, and is capable of making regular two or three-inch groups at 25 yards.

Due to the short barrel, this pistol has fairly heavy recoil and a huge muzzle flash. It was sold in the United States through distributor Lew Horton in the 1980s.

Technical specification

Manufacturer:Astra, Unceta y Cia, Guernica, Spain
Type:six-shot, solid frame, double-action
Caliber: .44 Magnum
Barrel:5.93 in (150 mm)
Weight:45 oz (1275 g)
Magazine capacity:6 rounds
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