The Benefits of Contracting Jobs in Combat Zones

Eric Sof
3 Min Read
Former special forces soldiers are mostly engaged in private military companies doing jobs as PMCs (Photo: Facebook)

The danger and demand for contracting jobs in hot combat zones may have advantages worth packing your bags for. Most private military contractors overseas make anywhere from $80,000 to $250,000 a year. Defense contracting has expanded dramatically over the last decade, particularly in the United States, where in the last fiscal year the DoD (Department of Defense) alone spent nearly $316 billion on contracts overseas.

In 2016, one in four United States armed personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan was a private contractor. This means that the war is already being outsourced, yet scholars, the media, and the general public know almost nothing about it, according to the “Your POC“.

Today, U.S. contractors are present in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Regardless of your profession or ideal destination, there are plenty of opportunities for clearing professionals looking to make money and improve their career and experience.

Explore the world

If you are a retired military service member you may think you have seen all you need to but you may want to experience the world as a civilian contractor. There are overseas positions in places like Germany or Japan free of flak jackets and catching “space available” flights. An opportunity to sightsee and experience cultures along with your high paying contract job to cover your expenses.

You’ll find that they pay for the same job in the states is significantly higher overseas especially in combat zones. What you earn will depend on your location, position, qualifications and in some cases security clearance. Hostile duty pay and the fact you may have all your living expenses covered can mean a significant payday for a short term assignment.

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The overseas experience looks great on your resume. It shows diversity, experience, and a great conversation starter at interviews. Overseas experience can indicate to potential employers that you know how to deal with diverse cultures, ideas, and people. In this competitive job market, these are not qualities that are overlooked.

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Eric Sof holds a master's degree in Political Science, specializing in International Peacekeeping Studies. He has over a decade of experience as a former member of an elite counterterrorism unit. Additionally, he is a firearms instructor and currently serves as a member of the SWAT unit.
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