Anschutz Model 54 Silhouette Rifle

Anschutz model 54 silhouette rifle with mounted scope (Photo: XY)

The Anschutz Model 54 Silhouette rimfire target rifle has been in production for years, but this is a specially developed modem intended to suit the growing sport of silhouette shooting in which metal silhouettes of various animals are engaged at long range from the standing position, the idea being to approximate to hunting conditions. In Smallbore silhouette shooting, the targets are scaled-down and the ranges are shorter than those used in full-bore contests, but the basic features remain the same.

Principal difference

The principal difference between Anschutz Model 54 Silhouette and prone target rifles lies in the shape of the stock, which has a deep pistol grip and a high Monte Carlo comb so that the sights fall to the eye with minimum neck-twisting and the shooter can get a really firm grip on the rifle. The stock material is walnut, well finished, and liberally stippled wherever the hand is likely to need to grip.

Anschutz model 54 silhouette rifle
Anschutz model 54 silhouette rifle (Photo: XY)


The bolt is substantial, and the trigger can be adjusted for first pressure and tension. The muzzle is counter-bored to protect the edges of the rifling, and no sights are provided. The receiver is grooved to accept telescope mounts, which are the standard means of sighting in this type of shooting and the reason for the high comb of the stock.

The barrel is almost an inch in external diameter and heavy, and as might be expected the accuracy of this rifle is beyond reproach. Fired from a rest at 50 yards it should give groups well under an inch in diameter with almost any brand of ammunition, and if care is taken to match ammunition to the rifle, then successive shots will practically go through the same hole.

Technical specifications: Anschutz Model 54 Silhouette

Manufacturer:J.G. Anschutz GmbH, Ulm, Germany
Type:bolt-action, single-shot rifle
Caliber:.22 Long Rifle RF
Barrel:21.63 in (550 mm)
Weight (empty):7.92 lbs (3.59 kg)
Magazine capacity:one round
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